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Graphic Design

Suave Advertising Campaign

This campaign was for a series for Suave Naturals Shampoo and Conditioners. The concept was that people buy the product because they are cheap and they smell like the real thing, because it acutally contains the real thing.

After I finished, several people walked into the room, pointed at my work and said, "That is exactly why I buy that brand!"

This series presented a problem when it came to the images I needed. I could find pictures of orchids and oranges and lavender, the things the products smelled like but I couldn't find adequate pictures of the products themselves. So I purchased and photographed the shampoo and conditioner bottles myself (I still haven't run out of either). Then I purchased the matching scent pictures and meshed them together with the product pictures in Photoshop. I had to be careful to watch for details like reflections and pieces of leaves and make sure all the pictures were lighted the same way. In the end, my instructor thought thatI had photographed all the items together.

The campaign consists of two 8.5" x 11" magazine ads, one 36" x 48" lighted subway or bus stop poster, one 3' x 11' bus board and one 3' x 12' billboard and was created was part of a class project.

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